Dear colleagues,
Dear members of the DWG,
I am delighted to invite you to the 20th Annual Meeting of the German Spine Society in Wiesbaden.
After the 13th German Spine Congress 2018 already took place in Wiesbaden, we are returning there this year. The 20th Spine Congress will be held in Wiesbaden from December 10 to 12, 2025. The venue will once again be the RheinMain CongressCenter in the center of the city on the Rhine. Opened in 2018, the congress center impresses with its bright, modern architecture and offers space for all the necessary sessions of the annual conference. The central station and many centrally located hotels in the city are within walking distance, and Frankfurt Airport is just a short distance away.
The motto of the annual conference is “Progress through ‘marginal gains’ and ‘gamechangers’ ”.
The conference will again take place from Wednesday to Friday and the successful format of a main session without parallel sessions will be retained. In addition to all degenerative diseases, the clinical focus will be on degenerative cervical myelopathy, spinal infections and innovative techniques. To introduce the various topics of the sessions, we plan to open each session with a 'state of the art' lecture before the abstract-based scientific contributions are presented.
We will also provide a forum for important professional policy topics in Wiesbaden.
In particular, we will focus on the consequences of the upcoming Hospital Structure Act on the care structure in spinal surgery.
After 2019, Italy will once again be the host country for the annual conference in 2025. We are looking forward to in-depth scientific abstracts from members of the 'Società Italiana de Chirurgia Vertebrale e Gruppo Italiano Scoliosi' as well as a joint session with renowned representatives of Italian spinal surgery.
The nursing and therapy conference will also receive a lot of attention next year. The program will be put together with colleagues from the Institute for Physical Therapy, Prevention and Rehabilitation in Mainz.
The social highlight of the annual conference will be the social evening in the traditional Wiesbaden Kurhaus on Thursday evening.
I look forward to welcoming you to Wiesbaden in December.
With best regards
Florian Ringel